Saturday, February 12, 2005

Make Your Own Family Calendar

For the last few years I have been going online to Shutterfly to make a family calendar. Each calendar has what I consider to the the best pictures from the prior year.

Within our family, these calendars have become highly sought after. At christmas, they are a huge hit with the grandparents. Even better, I (dad) get huge points with mom. Heaven knows, I have to get these points when I can, cause I'm sure to need them later.


Making these calendars is a snap. Shutterfly makes it easy to upload photos to albums. For me, given that I regularly submit photos to shutterfly to print out and send to me on photo quality paper (sure as heck beats doing it yourself), this is that much easier, as it simply involved browsing among and selecting from the albums I have already submitted.

Regardless, it is still easy, as you can quickly and simply upload any photos to any album folder you create at Shutterfly, and then work from there.

Take my word for it. You'll be a huge hit.

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